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杀手团 La banda del trucido6.0

类型:电影 意大利 1977


导演: 斯泰尔维奥·马西 / Stelvio Massi



《杀手团 La banda del trucido》是由 斯泰尔维奥·马西 / Stelvio Massi执导,吕克·米朗德,卡迪娅·克里斯汀,Imma Piro Imma Piro<br,Nicoletta Piersanti Nicoletta Piersanti<br,Alessandra Cardini Alessandra Cardini<br,弗兰科·奇蒂特邀领衔主演,该片于1977在意大利发行,不到几个月收视率非常不错。

译  名 杀手团 / Destruction Force / Dirty Gang
片  名 La banda del trucido
年  代 1977
产  地 意大利
类  别 犯罪
语  言 意大利语
上映日期 1977
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3862217/
片  长 95分钟
导  演 斯泰尔维奥·马西 / Stelvio Massi
演  员 吕克·米朗德 / Luc Merenda
      卡迪娅·克里斯汀 / Katia Christine
      Imma Piro Imma Piro
      Nicoletta Piersanti Nicoletta Piersanti
      Alessandra Cardini Alessandra Cardini
      弗兰科·奇蒂 / Franco Citti
      托马斯·米连 / Tomas Milian
      罗萨里奥·博雷利 / Rosario Borelli
      马里奥·布雷加 / Mario Brega
      Sergio Mioni Sergio Mioni
      塞尔瓦托雷·比拉 / Salvatore Billa
      弗朗切斯科·达阿达 / Francesco D'Adda
      佛朗哥·巴尔杜奇 / Franco Balducci
      内洛·帕扎菲尼 / Nello Pazzafini
      米莫·波利 / Mimmo Poli
      路易吉·奥利杰勒·索夫南洛 / Jimmy il Fenomeno
      朱塞佩·马罗科 / Giuseppe Marrocco
编  剧 斯泰尔维奥·马西 / Stelvio Massi
      托马斯·米连 / Tomas Milian
      达尔达诺·萨凯蒂 / Dardano Sacchetti
摄  影 Franco Delli Colli Franco Delli Colli

简  介 

  It seems that 1977 was a busy year for director Stelvio Massi as he delivered no less than three Polizi flicks and three very decent ones to boot! Fearless would be my pick of them but it just slightly edges out this little film; which pits two of the genre's biggest stars against one another. Destruction Force stars pretty boy French actor Luc Merenda as a high ranking police officer and possibly the greatest Italian actor of all time; Tomas Milian on the other side of the law. This type of film is not famous for it's deep and complex plot lines - there certainly is a reason for that - and this film helps to back up that reputation greatly as not only does this film have a thin plot; it could be said that it doesn't really have any sort of plot at all but this is more than made up for courtesy of a constant stream of entertainment that includes both laughs and violence. The film starts off with a shootout that leaves the Chief of Police dead. Newly promoted Detective Ghini resolves to track down the killer and his search leads him to a restaurant owned by a criminal who runs a class coaching other criminals how to steal without using violence.
  As with all of his films the main standout in this one is definitely Tomas Milian. The great actor cuts a memorable figure in the antagonist role and most of the reason for that is down to the fact that he's a million miles away from the common Polizi bad guy. He actually seems like quite a decent person in spite of being a criminal and it works well; although the director obviously felt there wasn't enough antagonism in the character as we also get a much nastier villain for our hero detective to track down. Luc Merenda once again puts in a fitting performance in the lead role and he is both good to watch and believable in the action sequences. There is plenty of action too and it's clear that the director's only intention with this film was to entertain the audience and the film certainly does do that. There's also a good dose of humour which works very well and doesn't feel out place either. The film on the whole is not brilliant or particularly intelligent but this genre is never really meant to be; and Destruction Force more than makes up for its lack of substance in entertainment value anyway and I'm confident that anyone who bothers to track this flick down will enjoy it.



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1.请问哪个平台可以在线观看犯罪片《杀手团 La banda del trucido》?


2.电影《杀手团 La banda del trucido》上映时间?

桔子影院网友:2018 年

3.电影《杀手团 La banda del trucido》演员列表?



豆瓣网 网友: 从去年年底看到这剧的男女主就开始期待,等了好几个月终于播了!吕克·米朗德,卡迪娅·克里斯汀, 的组合真的要颜值有颜值要演技有演技,演技完全戳中帅点苏点,已经不只是演技豆而是真正的演员了吧。刚看前两集的收视已经破了历史最高纪录了,期待后续!

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